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Tell Your Story with Pylon Signs

Signage can be tricky if you are unsure how to approach your use of it. Many business owners and operators put too much information on their signage. Other put too little. You need to find a Goldilocks solution that is just right for you, and now you can.

Although you should consider the specific intended use of signage for your marketing and advertising goals, do not hesitate to look beyond the details and see the bigger picture of what you can do with a sign.

Many business owners and operators use pylon signs for a very specific purpose: to advertise their location in a strip mall or business district. Prospective customers can simply look at one large, looming sign, and receive details about all the businesses located in that complex.

The idea is sound, and effective. If for instance, someone is looking for a locksmith, one would rather look at one sign and be sure that a locksmith was located in a mall complex, rather than inquire door to door about a business’s nature.

However, like many things in life, you can repurpose items for an even greater purpose. We see this with medicine, we see this with inventions, and now we can see this with pylon signs. Yes, these signs advertise your approximate location to the world. However, you can use signs like these to do something far greater: to tell your story.

How to Tell Your Story

Telling the story of your business, especially to individuals who are not yet even your customers, can be a tricky thing to do. The conventional thing to do, after all, is to wait until these visitors are customers, and are invested emotionally and personally in your business before talking about your backstory. However, with the strategic placement of text on your pylon signs, you too can tell your story immediately.

Your business does not have to tell its story like Hamlet, full of personal asides and convoluted imagery. You can do it in a simple line, one line, which can effectively endear yourself and your business to prospective customers.

You can do this via a tagline, or a slogan, one line which you put under your business name when ordering your signs. You can write a line like, “Family owned and operated since 1952,” or “Authentic pizza just like Mom used to make.” The idea is to find some common emotion or memory that everyone can relate to, and then see if your business’s story has a similar situation.

Maybe your business is a family business. You can capitalize on that. Maybe your business is at the forefront of social causes and issues. You can always raise awareness via signage about the plight of the rainforest or the treatment of animals. Maybe your business takes pride in its authenticity, like the aforementioned pizza shop. Whatever your story is, you have one to tell.

Current customers, and even prospective customers, love a good origin story even if we have heard it before. It is the reason why we have had three “Spiderman” series in the past 17 years. All kidding aside, we as human beings like to relate to others, and to share in others experiences. You can find that emotion and grow your customer base with a carefully selected tagline to accompany the other text on your signs.

Tell your story with pylon signs, or other signs today. Whether your business is located in or around Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Concord, Newmarket, Thornhill, Brampton, or Mississauga, Vital Signs can help. For more information about signage and telling your business’s story effectively, contact us at our website today.